Healing properties of raspberry, nutritional values and recipes

Although many people exhibit allergic symptoms when strawberries come in questions, few can complain about the other fruit that ripens in the hottest parts of the summer, the raspberries.

The raspberry orchard is beautiful to see and the fruits are delicious. It creates a real pleasure for all our senses. In addition to the fruit that has a delicious sweet-sour taste, its leaves are also very important as well as root and bark which should not be ignored. Did you really know about the healing properties of raspberry and how much they are beneficial to the health of our body?

The appearance, origin and history of raspberries

Raspberry is a perennial deciduous plant, shrubbery or semi-bushy growth, with perennial root and with one-year and two-year-old yields belonging to the Rose family, and has more subspecies. The subfamily group Idaeobatus variety is widespread throughout the world and covers about 195 species of raspberries. In Europe we can often find:
  • Red Raspberry (Rubus idaeus)
  • Black American raspberry 
  • Purple raspberry (Rubusnegectus)

Raspberry is widespread in Asia, North and South America, Europe, southern Africa and Australia. Most species originate from Asia, and the least from Europe.
The European Red Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) is a bush that grows throughout Europe and the northwestern part of Asia, whose edges are mainly thorny, and which contain odd-shaped leaves usually 3 or 4 which are egg shaped. The flowers are male and female (hermaphrodite), and the pistil is higher than or equal to the stamen. The fruit is a dark red elongated or ball-like shaped, representing a sum of 20 to 150 bone marrows. It was introduced to Europe in the 17th century to be cultivated.

Raspberry fruits are sweet, sour, very tasty, aromatic and easy to digest. Raspberry is a dessert fruit, and the fruit can be used in fresh or frozen form as well as for processing: juice, syrup, wine, natural liqueur, compote, sweet, jam, jam, ice cream, candied fruit, raspberry powder.

Healing properties of raspberry leaves 

The leaves are practically used only in folk medicine as a mouthwash, when it comes to mucous membrane inflammation, inflammation of the throat and diarrhea. It is a part of many mixtures for the treatment of cardio-vascular, gastrointestinal, menstrual and hormonal disorders, as well as avitaminosis. It also enters the composition of blends for spring blood cleansing. Raspberries leaves can replace some teas, such as: Indian, Georgian and Russian. In many countries, the fruit is used in medicine as an agent for the elimination of fluid from the body, in diarrhea and eczema. Fruit extract works against the viruses. In addition, it activates pancreas to isolate insulin, thereby lowering blood sugar. It is also used in the food industry.

Lately, the effects of raspberry on malignant cells is being researched. It has been found that elaginic acid, which can be found in large amounts in raspberries, prevents the proliferation of cancer cells. The same effect is also attributed to fruit and tea from raspberry leaves (and other berries: strawberries, blackberries, etc.). In the treatment of malignant diseases, raspberries are not a drug and cannot replace them, but they are a good protection against these diseases.

Nutritional values of raspberries

The energy value of 100 g of fresh raspberry fruit is about 52 kcal / 217 kJ. Of this, 86% is water, 1.2% protein, 0.65% fat and 12% carbohydrates. It is an excellent source of dietary fiber (6.5 g).

These berries are so sweet and have so little calories this is already a sufficient reason to enjoy them.

Out of vitamins this fruit is a great source of vitamin C (26.2 mg, which accounts for 44% RDA), and of other vitamins it contain vitamin B complex, vitamins E and K, but in quantities below the recommended daily intake. In small quantities it contains almost all minerals.

Raspberry is nutritionally particularly interesting because of the rich content of various antioxidants, the antioxidant activity of raspberry is 50% higher than strawberry antioxidant activity, 10 times bigger than tomatoes and 3 times more than in kiwi. Antioxidant activity is not lost when raspberries are frozen or in the form of jam. About 25% of the antioxidant activity belongs to anthocyanins such as succvercetin, cefephenol, cyanidin-3-glucosylrutinoside, cyanidin-3-ruthinoside and pelagonidylic acid. Anthocyanins give raspberry a strong red color, protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals, possess unique antimicrobial properties, influence the prevention of excessive growth of bacteria and fungi in the body (such as Candida alibicans)

Raspberry is an excellent source of fructose, flavonoids, vitamins (C and E), minerals (especially potassium). Still, this fruit is richest in fiber. Anthocyanins and polyphenolic compounds that are an integral part of raspberries are powerful antioxidants that have anti-carcinogenic properties and this fruit is great against many diseases and is a natural ally in the fight against cancer.

By consuming raspberries we provide the body with energy, proper functioning of the nervous system and maintenance of healthy tissue, and blood vessels. It is useful for blood count, appetite improvement in children, and suppression of nausea and vomiting.

Medicinal properties of raspberries

Raspberry fruits are extraordinarily delicious and healthy but the healing properties of leaves are much higher than of the fruits.

Raspberry is also referred to as a female plant because it treats many problems of female organs.

Tea from leaves helps with menstrual cramps, severe bleeding and white washing.

Can be drunk before, during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Regular consumption of tea during pregnancy strengthens and tones the womb, prevents abortion, helps during childbirth, and prevents severe bleeding after delivery.

After delivery, it accelerates the recovery of the uterus and stimulates the production of milk.

Consumption of this tea should start from the third month of pregnancy. Drink two to three cups a day.

Tea is also used for strengthening gums, disinfection of the tonsils, and prevention of childhood diarrhea and eye diseases.

Preparation of tea: Pour the spoon of raspberry tea with a cup of hot water. Drink warm.

Note: Raspberry leaves are not recommended if you had an abortion in your previous pregnancy or if the labor lasted less than three hours.

Medicinal effect of raspberry

  • prevents obesity
  • regulates the level of blood sugar
  • it reduces the activity of free radicals
  • provides protection from the sun
  • it calms skin disorders
  • Helps in women's diseases
  • It strengthens immunity
  • Protects against heart and blood vessels diseases
  • reduces high temperature

Raspberry vinegar against fever  

Mix a liter of natural apple vinegar with 500 grams of crushed raspberries. Leave it for ten days in a warm place and strain.

In the case of fever, dilute two tablespoons of raspberry vinegar in a glass of water and drink several times a day.

Raspberry in cooking

Raspberry season begins in June.

Raspberry is best to eat fresh, but you can use them to prepare jam, juices, ice cream, cakes, sweet sauces, etc.

Raspberry can also be dried or frozen.

Use fresh raspberries within two days. Keep them in the fridge.

Raspberries are usually hand-picked, therefore it is not necessary to wash them, it is enough to remove pieces of leaves. By washing with water raspberries lose their structure and aroma.

If you have an opportunity, give preference to wild or organically grown raspberries.

Smoothie with raspberries

  • 60 grams of raspberries
  • 1 glass of orange juice
  • A handful of spinach
  • 1 banana
  • 60 grams of ice


Mix all the ingredients in the blender and enjoy this summer refreshing drink!

Raspberry juice without cooking

  • 1 kg of raspberries 
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 liter of water

Wash the raspberries and place them in a larger bowl, add water and squeeze the lemon. Cover the bowl and let it rest in the darker and cooler place. The next day, process the mixture through a gauze or strainer, and then add sugar. Stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the juice into the dry, pre-washed bottles. Place the cellophane instead of a cap and fix with a rubber band. This process will give you natural thick juice, which is usually diluted with water.