Why it is not healthy to hold in the gas?

There are those delicate situations in which most of us are very uncomfortable, when our stomach is acting up and the only relief is to remove gasses from the colon. Of course, this is not a problem, when we are alone, or absolutely sure that we are far enough away from someone who can hear us. We all know that the sounds that are released by our colon are very diverse and sometimes have a very unpleasant smells. We hope you are absolutely aware that all people in this world are emitting gases, without exception. Small children, adults, old ladies, gentlemen, actors, models, presidents, music stars and any of our idols.

The good news is that the release of colon gases, as well as burping is a reflection of our health.

Accordingly, you should not be shy. It is a natural product of our digestive tract. So holding back is not a good thing!

This text intends to introduce you to the reasons of this natural phenomenon, which has been placed in a non-cultural manner by the etiquette and many have taken it for granted, so they do so to the extent that they harm themselves.

There are two main sources of intestinal gases: ingested gases (mainly swallowed air) and gases that produce bacteria in the colon. The average adult produces about half a liter to a liter of gas every day, which is transmitted through the anus 14 to 23 times a day. Occasionally burping before or after a meal is also normal.

The amount of gas that the body produces depends on the diet and other individual factors. However, most people who complain about too much gas do not produce more gas than the average person. They are just more aware of this.

On the other hand, some foods and medical conditions can cause an excessive amount of gas.

Hereinafter, we will help you understand the sources of intestinal gases, conditions that increase sensitivity to gases and the extent to which its production can be reduced.

But let's go in order. Everything starts with food intake.
Namely, while we chew, besides food, we also bring in air. The amount of air depends on the way we eat it. If we have gobble, too much while eating we will bring in a larger amount of air. That air first, just like food, comes to our stomach. The greatest amount of swallowed air is ejected by burping, and that small remnant goes into a small intestine. How much air will pass from the stomach into the small intestine depends on the position we are in. If we sit upright, most of the air will come out with burping. If we are in a lying position, more air will reach our small intestine and, consequently, to the colon that will be manifested by gases.

There are harmless bacteria in the colon, some of which are responsible for the health of our colon. A particular type of food is not digestible in the small intestine, which means that it is indigested when it reaches colon, where it is further degraded by bacteria. By-products of this process are gases such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane. Small number of gases have an unpleasant odor, such as the sulfur which we find in traces.

Raffinose, carbohydrate does not mix well and will lead to higher gas production. Some vegetables also contains Raffinose, such as cabbage, curd, asparagus, broccoli, whole grains of some cereals.

Upon their consumption, we often experience bloating and excessive amounts of gases.

Some people have low resistance to lactose, which we find in dairy products. Lactose is the main sugar in dairy products. Sugar belongs to the type of carbohydrates and for these reasons there is more frequent gas and bloating, but also cramps and diarrhea.

Some diseases can also cause excessive bloating and gases. For example, in people with diabetes and scleroderma, a small intestine function may become slower over time. This causes bacterial overload in the intestine, with poor digestion of carbohydrates and other nutrients.

hold in the gas

Symptoms of gas and bloating 

When it comes to gases and bloating some people can experience pain. The pain is experienced in the part of the stomach where the air is trapped, such as parts of colon that are normally located in one part under the liver (upper to middle-right part of the stomach), as well as in the part below the spleen (upper to middle left part of the stomach).

Causes of increased amount of gases

Most people who feel uncomfortable do not produce excessive amounts of gases. However, there are several situations that can lead to overproduction.

Swallowed air

Chronic, and an excessive burping can occur if you swallow large amounts of air (aerophagia). Aerophagia is usually involuntary act. The treatment focuses on reducing the amount of swallowed air by slowly chewing and avoiding carbonated drinks, chewing and smoking.

Foods that cause gases

A few foods contain carbohydrate raffinose that is poorly digested and can lead to increased production of gases. Foods that contain raffinose include peas, cabbage, cauliflower, pepper, broccoli and asparagus. Avoiding these foods or reducing their intake can reduce the amount of gases.

Starch and soluble fibers can also increase gases. Potato, corn, pasta and wheat produce gases while rice does not. Soluble fibers (found in oat bran, beans and other legumes, beans and most fruits) also cause gases. Some laxatives contain soluble fibers and can cause gases, especially during the first few weeks after the usage.

Lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance occurs when the organism is aggravated by lactose, a sugar found in dairy products. Symptoms of lactose intolerance are diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating after consumption of milk or dairy products.

Lactose intolerance can be diagnosed by a lactose test. During this test, the patient drinks a lactose drink, and then the breath is analyzed to measure the amount of hydrogen in it. Treatment of lactose intolerance involves avoiding dairy products containing lactose. If you do not drink milk, you should take a supplement containing 1000 mg of calcium and 400 IU of vitamin D every day because dairy products are the main sources of these very important substances. This is especially important for children and women.

Intolerance to sugar in foods

Some people cannot tolerate sugar in certain types of foods. Two main examples are fructose (which is found in dry fruit, honey, sucrose, port, artichokes, and many other foods and beverages containing “fructose-rich corn syrup”) and sorbitol (sugar substitute in sugar-free sweets and sugar).

Diseases associated with increased gas production

Certain diseases can lead to difficulty in absorption of carbohydrates, leading to increased production of gases. This problem can occur in people with celiac disease (a disease caused by intolerance to protein in cereals), short bowel syndrome and some rare disorders.


Now that you've learned what gases can do in the colon, you should also know that the retention of gases can cause negative effects. If you hold it in too much, you will feel the pain. So every gas release will bring you relief.

If you have a problem with hemorrhoids, it is not advisable for you to hold in the gases, you will only exacerbate the condition. Do not control the mode of gas ejection but simply let it go naturally.

In case you feel bloating and instinct to pass gas and despite the efforts you cannot do it, try with a light massage of stomach. Likewise, some mild physical activity will help you get rid of accumulated gases more easily and thus you will avoid the intestinal distension.

If you did not know it, now is the time to find out that in some cultures, passing of gas is considered a reflection of health and is welcomed.

So if you feel the need to pass gas, but you are in a company of someone, simply excuse yourself, go to the toilet or some other convenient place and relieve yourself from the accumulated gases, while also keeping your dignity.